Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can there is need of cheers leader in IPL or not?

Dear friends once again a special thanks to all my friends who gave their special time to see my blog.Today I want to share my views with you regarding cheers leader of IPL. Dear friends can you think about it that can there is any need of cheers leader in the IPL. Because all the people who come in the stadium are only for watch the match and for fun I think without cheers leader they can also enjoy the match In the last IPL one of the pakistani player asked that the cheers leader are producing bad effect in their game ....................

so make voice for that giving me comment regarding that

can there is need of cheers leader in IPL or not?

1 comment:

  1. yup dude... u r right n me too think same way....
    cheerleaders isn't requirement f cricket....
    at present cricket specially in India is at that level from where it doesn't need such material for it's publicity... rather such materials need cricket for their publicity...
